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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:confused5: confused5 confused5
:bigsmurf: bigsmurf bigsmurf
:happy7: happy7 happy7
:shaking2: shaking2 shaking2
:sad9: sad9 sad9
:love3: love3 love3
:la: la la
:tongue6: tongue6 tongue6
:angry4: angry4 angry4
:smile: Smile Smile
:bs: bs bs
:?: Question Question
:glasses8: glasses8 glasses8
:profileleft: profile_left profile_left
:protest: protest protest
:laughing1: laughing1 laughing1
:sleepy6: sleepy6 sleepy6
:pottytrain1: pottytrain1 pottytrain1
:angel4: angel4 angel4
;) Wink Wink
:violent3: violent3 violent3
:evil4: evil4 evil4
:compress: compress compress
:hippy2: hippy2 hippy2
:tongue: tongue tongue
:sign7: sign7 sign7
:male: male male
:sith: sith sith
:toothy6: toothy6 toothy6
:blob3: blob3 blob3
:-x Mad Mad
:confused4: confused4 confused4
:albino: albino albino
:happy6: happy6 happy6
:scratch: scratch scratch
:sad8: sad8 sad8
:love2: love2 love2
:knob: knob knob
:tongue5: tongue5 tongue5
:angry3: angry3 angry3
:-) Smile Smile
:!: Exclamation Exclamation
:glasses7: glasses7 glasses7
:pirate: pirate pirate
:pottytrain5: pottytrain5 pottytrain5
:ky: ky ky
:sleepy5: sleepy5 sleepy5
:occasion9: occasion9 occasion9
:angel3: angel3 angel3
:D Very Happy Very Happy
:violent2: violent2 violent2
:evil2: evil2 evil2
:colors: colors colors
:hiding: hiding hiding
:thumbleft: thumbleft thumbleft
:sign6: sign6 sign6
:lurk: lurk lurk
:puke: puke puke
:toothy5: toothy5 toothy5
:blob2: blob2 blob2
:x Mad Mad
:confused3: confused3 confused3
:drunken: drunken drunken
:happy5: happy5 happy5
:santa: santa santa
:sad7: sad7 sad7
:love1: love1 love1
:withstupid: withstupid withstupid
:tongue4: tongue4 tongue4
:angry2: angry2 angry2
:grin: Very Happy Very Happy
;-) Wink Wink
:glasses6: glasses6 glasses6
:pale: pale pale
:pottytrain4: pottytrain4 pottytrain4
:kermit: kermit kermit
:dark1: dark1 dark1
:sleepy4: sleepy4 sleepy4
:occasion8: occasion8 occasion8
:angel2: angel2 angel2
:o Surprised Surprised
:violent1: violent1 violent1
:evil1: evil1 evil1
:clown: clown clown
:help: help help
:thumbright: thumbright thumbright
:sign5: sign5 sign5
:lovestory: lovestory lovestory
:pain10: pain10 pain10
:toothy4: toothy4 toothy4
:blob: blob1 blob1
:lol: Laughing Laughing
:confused2: confused2 confused2
:bom: bom bom
:happy4: happy4 happy4
:salute: salute salute
:sad6: sad6 sad6
:laughing9: laughing9 laughing9
:hmph: hmph hmph
:tongue3: tongue3 tongue3
:angry1: angry1 angry1
:-D Very Happy Very Happy
:boxing: boxing boxing
:wink: Wink Wink
:glasses5: glasses5 glasses5
:monkey: monkey monkey
:pottytrain3: pottytrain3 pottytrain3
:jerk: jerk jerk
:cya: cya cya
:sleepy3: sleepy3 sleepy3
:occasion7: occasion7 occasion7
:angel1: angel1 angel1
:) Smile Smile
:usa2: usa2 usa2
:duckie: duckie duckie
:cherry: cherry cherry
:hello2: hello2 hello2
:sunny: sunny sunny
:sign4: sign4 sign4
:love10: love10 love10
:offtheair: offtheair offtheair
:toothy3: toothy3 toothy3
:binky: binky binky
:???: Confused Confused
:confused1: confused1 confused1
:alien: alien alien
:happy3: happy3 happy3
:rr: rr rr
:sad5: sad5 sad5
:laughing8: laughing8 laughing8
:hal hal hal
:tongue2: tongue2 tongue2
:angel13: angel13 angel13
:( Sad Sad
:booty: booty booty
:roll: Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
:glasses4: glasses4 glasses4
:king: king king
:iroc: iroc iroc
:cwm21: cwm21 cwm21
:sleepy2: sleepy2 sleepy2
:occasion6: occasion6 occasion6
:3some: 3some 3some
:tweety: tweety tweety
:downtown: downtown downtown
:cheese: cheese cheese
:hello1: hello1 hello1
:study: study study
:sign3: sign3 sign3
:love9: love9 love9
:nike: nike nike
:toothy2: toothy2 toothy2
:banghead: bandhead bandhead
:-? Confused Confused
:computer: computer computer
:mrgreen: Mr. Green Mr. Green
:happy2: happy2 happy2
:reindeer: reindeer reindeer
:sad4: sad4 sad4
:laughing7: laughing7 laughing7
:fucyc: fucyc fucyc
:tongue1: tongue1 tongue1
:angel12: angel12 angel12
:confused: Confused Confused
:twisted: Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
:glasses3: glasses3 glasses3
:joker: joker joker
:idea1: idea1 idea1
:cwm10: cwm10 cwm10
:sleepy1: sleepy1 sleepy1
:occasion5: occasion5 occasion5
:tool: tool tool
:tshirt: tshirt tshirt
:book: book book
:dontknow: dontknow dontknow
:cheers: cheers cheers
:headbang: headbang headbang
:spiderman: spriderman spriderman
:sign2: sign2 sign2
:love8: love8 love8
:newb: newb newb
:toothy1: toothy1 toothy1
angry9: angry9 angry9
:? Confused Confused
:color: color color
:neutral: Neutral Neutral
:happy1: happy1 happy1
:rabbit: rabbit rabbit
:sad3: sad3 sad3
:laughing6: laughing6 laughing6
:fart: fart fart
:thumbup: thumbup thumbup
:angel11: angel11 angel11
:fap: Fap Fap
:evil: Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad
:glasses2: glasses2 glasses2
:nexus: geek geek
:icon_smile: icon_smile icon_smile
:cussing: cussing cussing
:sign12: sign12 sign12
:occasion4: occasion4 occasion4
:tard: tard tard
:triplets: triplets triplets
:blob8: blob8 blob8
:dog: dog dog
:cat: cat cat
:happy11: happy11 happy11
:smurfin: smurfin smurfin
:sign1: sign1 sign1
:love7: love7 love7
:munky2: munky2 munky2
:tongue10: tongue10 tongue10
:angry8: angry8 angry8
:shock: Shocked Shocked
:coffee2: coffee2 coffee2
:-| Neutral Neutral
:grommit: grommit grommit
:queen: queen queen
:sad2: sad2 sad2
:laughing5: laughing5 laughing5
:evil3: evil3 evil3
:thefinger: thefinger thefinger
:angel10: angel10 angel10
:mad: Mad Mad
:offtopic: Offtopic Offtopic
:cry: Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
:glasses1: glasses1 glasses1
:flower: flower flower
:iconbiggrin: icon_biggrin icon_biggrin
:brave: brave brave
:sign11: sign11 sign11
:occasion2: occasion2 occasion2
:stop: stop stop
:toothy10: toothy10 toothy10
:blob7: blob7 blob7
:director: director director
:brilsmurf: brilsmurf brilsmurf
:happy10: happy10 happy10
:smurf: smurf smurf
:sex: sex sex
:love6: love6 love6
:mumum: mumum mumum
:tongue9: tongue9 tongue9
:angry7: angry7 angry7
:-o Surprised Surprised
:coffee: coffee coffee
:| Neutral Neutral
:glasses11: glasses11 glasses11
:pukeright: puke_r puke_r
:sad1: sad1 sad1
:laughing4: laughing4 laughing4
:edfirst: edfirst edfirst
:thebirdman: thebirdman thebirdman
:angel8: angel8 angel8
:wave: wave wave
:oops: Embarassed Embarassed
:fish: fish fish
:faroah: faroah faroah
:icescream: icescream icescream
:bootyshake: bootyshake bootyshake
:sign10: sign10 sign10
:occasion1: occasion1 occasion1
:stfu: stfu stfu
:toothy9: toothy9 toothy9
:blob6: blob6 blob6
:director2: director2 director2
:bounce: bounce bounce
:happy9: happy9 happy9
:silent: silent silent
:sad11: sad11 sad11
:love5: love5 love5
:error: error error
:tongue8: tongue8 tongue8
:angry6: angry6 angry6
:sad: Sad Sad
:clock: clock clock
:arrow: Arrow Arrow
:glasses10: glasses10 glasses10
:pukeleft: puke_l puke_l
:read: read read
:laughing3: laughing3 laughing3
:snorting: snorting snorting
:angel7: angel7 angel7
:wav: wav wav
:razz: Razz Razz
:female: female female
:cyclopsani: cyclops_ani cyclops_ani
:homework: homework homework
:argue: argue argue
:sign9: sign9 sign9
:notworthy: notworthy notworthy
:spam2: spam2 spam2
:toothy8: toothy8 toothy8
:blob5: blob5 blob5
:crybaby: crybaby crybaby
:blackeye: blackeye blackeye
:happy8: happy8 happy8
:shaking: shaking shaking
:sad10: sad10 sad10
:love4: love4 love4
:blah5: blah5 blah5
:tongue7: tongue7 tongue7
:angry5: angry5 angry5
:-( Sad Sad
:bunny: bunny bunny
:idea: Idea Idea
:glasses9: glasses9 glasses9
:profileright: profile_right profile_right
:read2: read2 read2
:laughing2: laughing2 laughing2
:smilebox: smilebox smilebox
:pottytrain2: pottytrain2 pottytrain2
:angel5: angel5 angel5
:p Razz Razz
:walk: walk walk
:-P Razz Razz
:evil5: evil5 evil5
:cyclops: cyclops cyclops
:home: home home
:angryfire: angryfire angryfire
:sign8: sign8 sign8
:naka: naka naka
:spam1: spam1 spam1
:toothy7: toothy7 toothy7
:blob4: blobl4 blobl4
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:cool: Cool Cool
:eek: Surprised Surprised

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